Located at Ulupelit Village in Şile , our site holds both clay and sand mining operations at the same location. Most domestic clay is mined by open-pit methods using various types of equipment.
Domestic mine resources available in Turkey are considered to be significantly important not only for the achievement of community development but also for the enhancement of competitive capacity and, the contribution to the national economy.

Clay Deposits
Istanbul takes the first position with its reserve of 91% among the mine field reserves in Turkey. In terms of the production of ceramic clays, the district Şile takes the first position in Turkey with its share of 47% and, also in Istanbul with its share of 84%.

Sand Washing Plant

Ermaden started its sand production journey in 2018 with one sand washing plant and integrated the latest technology in the field to extract all available resources, and deliver consistently in-spec products. Our new silica sand washing plant is recently completed in 2021, and in operation. These plants are specially engineered to meet each producer's needs based on the individual characteristics of the deposit.
The new sand washing plant that is designed to remove silt/clay impurities, as well as size and dewater sand before drying, we are able to size and blend the sand into final products, and recycle 90% of the water we use.

Who We Are
About Ermadencilik
The first generation of our family-owned business started to engage in mining activities by manufacturing refractory clays in Kemerburgaz/ Ağaçlı Village, Istanbul, in 1967. It started manufacturing coals as from 1973. Thereafter, the 2nd generation established the company Er Madencilik in 1989 for further production of clays and coals. Between 1990 and 2011, it started to supply ceramic clays to various ceramic ware factories throughout the country. The company has changed its activity area as from 2011 and, is currently engaging in the production of ceramic, refractory and vitrified clays as well as silica sand in Şile, Istanbul. The average volume for the production and sales of raw materials is approximately 200,000 tons per year; in addition, we maintain 150,000 tons of stock on a permanent basis. In 2016, our company held the position as one of the leading companies in Şile in terms of the production and sales of clays.
Ermaden diversified its business interests in 2018 when it began processing sand at Kalealtı quarry in the Şile district. In response to the growing demand for in-spec construction sand in the local market, and recognizing the potential of its sand reserves, Ermaden partnered with industry experts to commission a new wash plant to effectively process sand at the 40-acre Kalealtı quarry.
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